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Most jobs are safe from AI says copywriter Scott Sery

AI Can’t Take ALL the Jobs!

This is a contributed post and may contain affiliate links.  The thoughts and ideas expressed may not be exactly what the ghostwriter Scott Sery believes.  But he did read it, and signed off on it, so it’s at least pretty close.

Back in the industrial revolution of the early 1800s, many factory workers and farm workers famously lost their jobs to machines. The rise of AI could similarly threaten many jobs including bookkeepers, virtual assistants and copywriters. But AI is unlikely to take every job – at least, not any time soon. There are certain jobs that rely heavily on human compassion or complex understanding of human behaviour, which AI is unlikely to master. Below are 10 examples of jobs that are certain to be safe from AI.


A robot is unlikely to be able to control a class of students and teach them in an engaging way. Kids and teens are much more unpredictable than adults, and connecting with them requires a lot of empathy and the ability to read the room quickly. Disruptive kids would likely deliberately try to push an AI teacher’s buttons (both metaphorically and literally). AI would also likely struggle to be a good mentor, because AI cannot be a good role model – the most respected teachers are those who we can look up to, and we can’t ever aspire to be like a robot. Teachers will most certainly rely on help from AI in the future for tasks like lesson planning and marking exams, but will never be replaced by AI.


Some healthcare jobs could be under threat from AI in the future. Nursing sick patients and helping deliver babies however is unlikely to be a job that we readily hand over to AI. In these situations, we want to be cared for by a human who is compassionate to our needs. Nurses and midwives often have to deal with the volatile emotions of patients and react quickly to them, which no algorithm is likely to be able to crack. Therefore a career as a nurse or midwife is likely to be a good option for those wanting a secure career in healthcare. Are there any CNA programs near me? What does it take to become a midwife? You can find resources online.


Would you hire a robot lawyer to defend you? While lawyers are increasingly using AI tools to help with cases, the core duties of a lawyer are unlikely to ever be replaced by AI. Lawyers have to create compelling arguments – which typically rely on hard legal evidence, but also the ability to relate to people’s emotions. It’s also worth noting that the entire legal system is built around the idea of fair justice. If AI lawyers were allowed, it might end up being a battle of who has the most advanced AI as opposed to the strongest case. Justice is something that needs to be handled by humans, which is similarly why judges will never be replaced.

Social Workers

Social work often involves dealing with delicate human problems ranging from abuse to addiction. This job requires a lot of empathy, which AI simply cannot replicate, as well as being able to react to consistently new situations. AI may be able to help with certain aspects of social work, but otherwise it is likely to be a secure career in the future.


There are already AI therapist chatbots on the market – and some of them are quite popular. However, this does not mean that AI will replace therapists – or indeed psychiatrists. Mental health problems are something that is too human for AI to ever master. This is why there will always be human therapists and psychiatrists. Been thinking of getting into therapy or psychiatry? This guide explains how to get into these fields.


Sport is a display of human performance. There is no appeal in watching robots compete, and therefore no threat of AI athletes. There are sports events around the world that incorporate AI including drone races, robot battles and Formula 1. But these events are still about celebrating the engineering abilities or remote control reactions of humans. If there ever is an Android Olympics, it will most certainly be its own category, and there won’t be humans high jumping against robots.

Sports Coaches/Personal Trainers

In the same way that athletes cannot be replaced by AI, sports coaches and personal trainers are unlikely to be replaced by AI. Training a person to do sports or exercise involves understanding how the human body works, but also understanding how to motivate an individual through trust and compassion. The best sports coaches and personal trainers are people we see as role models. AI cannot be a role model because it has not had to do any work to achieve its knowledge.

Civil Engineers

A lot of engineering jobs are likely to be threatened by AI. But civil engineering may be a job that is spared. That is because civil engineering is all about designing infrastructure based on human behavior. AI can help to design a sports stadium or a sidewalk, but a human eye is required to handle the small details.

CEOs/Business Leaders

Leading people is a task that can also only be done by humans. Few of us would feel comfortable working for a robot boss (even if some bosses are a bit like robots). Leadership requires an understanding of the complex needs of individuals, how to motivate people and how to create harmony within a team. It also involves taking risks and making decisions based on both emotions and logic. Because of this, there is no formula to it.


This is a job that most people assume will be the first to be replaced by AI. After all, AI can generate realistic paintings and write detailed blog articles in seconds. Why do we still need humans to paint and write? The truth is that while some creative jobs are likely to be greatly reduced – such as graphic design and copywriting – the most powerful and inspirational creative works will always be created by humans. This is because true artistic expression comes from the heart and has no formula to it. True creativity itself meanwhile involves breaking rules and doing the unexpected. AI may be able to analyse a million novels to create its own novel, or analyse a million songs to create a song, but its creations will always be imitations based on principles. It takes the human mind to go where no art has gone before and create something truly compelling. In other words, if you have creative dreams, don’t give up on them because of AI; the arts are still safe!

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