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Be a great manager Ghostwriter scott Sery says so

Don’t be a Good Manager; Be a Great Manager

This is a contributed post and may contain affiliate links.  The thoughts and ideas expressed may not be exactly what the ghostwriter Scott Sery believes.  But he did read it, and signed off on it, so it’s at least pretty close.

Everyone wants to move up in their career and earn promotions. As part of this, you could end up becoming a manager in your company, which comes with a lot of benefits. It also comes with quite a few responsibilities.

You’ll want to be a good manager, but it might be tricky if you don’t have any experience in it. That doesn’t mean you have to struggle with it, though. There are a few ways to get better at it from the start, with a few particular tips helping with this.

Be a Good Manager: 3 Great Tips

Sometimes you have to take a break from being the kind of boss that’s always trying to teach people things.  Sometimes you just have to be the boss of dancing.

1. Lead By Example

When you become a manager, it’s easy to think you should just start giving orders and leaving it at that. This is often one of the worst things you can do, especially when it comes to team morale. You’ll be much better off leading by example from the start.

This lets you show your team you’re there beside them and wouldn’t ask them to do tasks you wouldn’t be willing to do yourself. It helps to build more trust and improves employee morale long term. Put the time and effort into leading by example from the start.

2. Invest in Training

It’s always worth investing in a little training to be a good manager. Your company could offer you the opportunity to do this, and it’s always worth taking advantage of. There are more than a few short courses and programs you can try, like coaching skills training. These can all help quite a bit.

They’ll give you all of the skills to be a better manager, and you’ll see the results relatively quickly. You shouldn’t have a problem leading a team and actually making management decisions once you’ve taken advantage of a few of them.

3. Know Your Team

Once you become a manager, your team will need to trust you. Building this trust often seems complicated and as if it’ll take a while. You’ll have to spend a little time on it, but it doesn’t need to be too difficult. It could just be a matter of getting to know your team as soon as you become a manager.

This lets them get to know you as a person, too. With that, you can start building trust with them relatively easily. You’ll also figure out the best way to communicate with and manage each of your employees. It’s one of the first steps you should take.

Be a Good Manager: Wrapping Up

If you want to be a good manager, you’ll need to put a decent bit of time and effort into it. There are more than a few ways you can do it, but it doesn’t need to be as complicated as you might think.

Focusing on a few tips could help you quite a bit. Not only will they help you be a better manager, but they’ll take a lot of stress and hassle out of the process. You shouldn’t have anything to worry about.  Would you rather be feared or loved?  Easy – both.  You want people to be afraid of how much they love you.

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