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e-commerce sales copywriter and ghostwriter scott sery

Avoid a Slump in Online Sales

This is a contributed post and may contain affiliate links.  The thoughts and ideas expressed may not be exactly what the ghostwriter Scott Sery believes.  But he did read it, and signed off on it, so it’s at least pretty close.

The e-commerce sector is highly competitive right now for many industries, and the sheer saturation of the market makes it hard to stand out from competitors. Hard but not impossible.

If you’re struggling to hit those all-important targets and generate income online, these tips can help you improve your conversions and turn clicks into cash.

Add A Subscription Model

While not all businesses can adapt to a subscription model, it’s worth considering if you’re currently relying on one-off sales. Could you create a subscription that entices customers to return? A subscription model can provide a steady income, foster customer loyalty, and reduce the need for constant marketing to acquire new customers. If you sell a service, could you tweak your offerings to encourage online or annual payments? If you sell beauty products, could you create skincare boxes for different skin types that people can subscribe to? If so, this could be a game-changer for your sales. You can click here to set up subscription billing and prepare for automatic payments and ongoing sales.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a game-changer for all industries, and e-commerce is no exception. A well-thought-out social media campaign can work wonders for your business. You can collaborate with influencers to promote your products or services and offer discount codes to new users. Encouraging user-generated content (UGC) and rewarding those who share their purchases can expand your reach and boost sales. Investing in viral content or campaigns can expose your company to a wider audience and drive sales. With the right strategy, social media can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.

Customer Retention

Studies have shown that existing customers are 50% more likely to try new products or services and 31% more likely to spend more than new customers. This means that focusing your effort on retention rather than acquisition is a good strategy for boosting sales. Targeting those who have purchased in the past means you are more likely to concentrate than solely targeting new customers. The reason is they know what they’re buying, they have experience with your company, and it’s easier to come back again, providing they had a positive experience.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a tried and tested strategy for boosting sales. Whether you’re offering existing customers a discount for ongoing purchases or exclusive offers, or you’re running first-customer discounts or competitions, a well-executed email campaign can lead to a significant increase in sales. In fact, some companies have seen a 133% increase in sales, while most email-branded marketing campaigns see a 30 to 40% boost in revenue. This is a strategy that should not be overlooked, and it can provide a solid foundation for your marketing efforts.

There are multiple ways you can invest in your ecommerce store to boost sales. These four can get you started on seeing a boost in your sales. If you’re struggling to find the time to get these things going, let’s talk about it. As a copywriter I help clients create content that converts – including emails newsletters, blogs, and social media posts.

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