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Growing through the everyday “stuff”

Normally I try to sit down once each week and write some brilliant insights.  Generally they are focused on something I have read recently, or perhaps a Bible verse that I found applied to life.  Today… I got nothing.

content marketing social media marketing in Billings

I have recently read through the book Chop Wood, Carry Water by Joshua Medcalf.  If you haven’t read it, then I highly recommend it.  The basic premise, at least around the title, is that you have “chores” to do that must be done every day.  If you try to skip them, it throws everything off.  Lately, I have been chopping wood, and carrying water (and taking the morning off to go to the trampoline park with my son).  That means I have been working on these things, instead of exploring insights.

Recent Projects for Clients; Chopping Wood

Here are a few of our clients, and how we have been helping them recently.

iDoctor – (Update: they rebranded to CPR-Billings) These guys have an amazing business that is designed around fixing technology.  We recently went through a marketing plan, and they have some awesome ideas that we’re helping to implement.  One of those is Free Fridays.  In February, if you bring your iPhone 6 into the store on Friday for a screen replacement, then you get a free tempered glass screen protector.  Even better, it’s half off your repair bill!  That’s about $170 worth of service and goods, for just $65.

Big Sky Collision Center – (Update: BSCC has sold since this blog was published) You don’t get to be the biggest and best collision center in Montana by rushing through jobs.  Actually, you don’t really make it anywhere if you rush through jobs.  Recently I talked with Big Sky and they said if an auto body shop isn’t booked 3 months out, then be suspicious (especially currently with the hail storms).

Absolute Vinyl – We recently started working with Absolute Vinyl.  They provide high quality vinyl fences to the Billings market.  And of course we are having one of the coldest and snowiest years around.  It will be fun to work with them and get the drone up in the air to take aerial video of the work they do.  Stay tuned on this one.

Rehder Balance and Hearing Clinic – I have had the pleasure of working with Dr. Rehder for a few years now.  He is a sponsor in Rimrock Neighbors and Cliffside Neighbors magazines.  He hires me to write articles for the magazines on a quarterly basis, and he recently enlisted us to help with his Facebook marketing.

Bob’s Plumbing and Heating – If you need a plumber, talk to Bob.  One of the easiest going, most honest, and most down-to-earth guys I have ever met.  He’s a phenomenal plumber too!  We have been helping with his Facebook marketing for a while now.

Tourtlotte Law Firm – Here’s a testament to the power of giving away information.  About a year ago I was contacted by the Chamber of Commerce to present at a seminar about the importance of promoting your website.  Shanna Tourtlotte was there and held on to my information.  About 10 months later, Matt Tourtlotte got in touch through the website to help develop content for his law firm’s new page.  A few hours of my time preparing and presenting, and the result is a new client that we can help.

Focusing on Big Things

One of my goals this year was to actually complete some of the projects I have wanted to complete.  That has meant moving my “speculative” work to the front of the day instead of at the end when it would never get done.  This has put me a little bit behind, but these other projects are actually moving forward.

Here’s hoping that 2017 is the year where Sery Content Development can release products that help small business owners across the country get found online!

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