Scott Sery Writer from Billings, Montana
Bringing out the story behind your brand through ghostwriting, copywriting, and blogging so your prospects look at you and know just how badass you are.
Bringing out the story behind your brand through ghostwriting, copywriting, and blogging so your prospects look at you and know just how badass you are.
Back in the early days of the internet, I would write emails to myself. They would include long and drawn out stories of whatever was on my mind. I did it so I could open my email later and see a new message; little did I know I was prepping myself for a career of writing your story.
Did you know that businesses without a blog see about half the traffic that those who do have a blog see? It’s true; I read it on the internet.
One of my blogging clients saw clicks from Google searches increase 500% over the course of a year that I wrote a bi-weekly blog for them.
More traffic means more sales. More sales means a better bottom line. A better bottom line means you have the satisfaction of kicking ass in business.
Here’s the part of the site where I brag about myself. Hang on, you’re about to be blown away with my
I’m a writer because it provides the freedom in my life to get out and be awesome. Expertly crafting the
words that make you look great means I can climb mountains, pull in some trout, stalk elk, or just frolic
blissfully through a mountain meadow.