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As a writer, I offer more than one “style” of writing.  Each one is designed to accomplish a different goal.  Click to expand whichever you’re interested in, and learn more about it.


When you don't have the time to write your book, a ghostwriter does it for you.

You're Still the Author

At least half, and as many as 90%, of all non-fiction books are ghostwritten.
See My Work


Creating that copy for your site that draws readers in and inspires them to buy from you.

Web Pages and More

The pages on your website have the power to convert readers into buyers. Do they?
See My Work

Content Marketing

Content that shows you're a professional, an, expert, and gets people interested.

Blogging and Email Newsletters

You're an expert, but you have to show that you're an expert. Blogs and newsletters build trust.
See My Work

Speaking Opportunities and Media Kit Coming Soon

From leadership, to personal growth, to industry specific training, I can help inspire and motivate your group.