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Challenge of climbing granite peak

Create a Challenge; Take a Risk

This is a contributed post and may contain affiliate links.  The thoughts and ideas expressed may not be exactly what the copywriter Scott Sery believes.  But he did read it, and signed off on it, so it’s at least pretty close.


Life would be pretty boring if we always played it safe, wouldn’t it? Yes, we’d be in our comfort zones, and that’s, well, comfortable, but there probably wouldn’t be much in the way of excitement or even growth. 


The fact is that taking risks, facing challenges, and pushing ourselves out of familiar habits and routines is how we learn and go further, plus we can create some amazing and unforgettable experiences along the way. So with that in mind, keep reading to learn more about why we need risk and challenge in life.

Risk Keeps Life Exciting

Imagine if everything you did was predictable, easy, and, in the end, completely safe. Although that might sound great at first, eventually you’d end up really bored – it’s a definite. Challenges, whether they’re physical, mental, or even emotional, keep us engaged and excited, and that’s always a good place to be. 

Think about how great it is to learn something new, or the rush you get when you try an extreme sport, or even the excitement that comes with much smaller risks, like speaking up in a meeting when you usually stay quiet. It’s those little jolts of uncertainty that make life interesting, and if you don’t take risks, it’ll never come.

Growth Happens Outside Your Comfort Zone

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘growth starts when your comfort zone ends’? That’s totally true, and it should be something you have in your head whenever a risk or challenge presents itself – it’ll help make the decisions to go ahead much easier. And it applies to every aspect of your life, from your career to relationships to hobbies and so on. In other words, if you never step up to a challenge, you’ll stay exactly where you are, but when you take that step (or leap in some cases!), you’ll find out just how much you’re capable of. 

It’s this kind of idea that’s the reason behind why people climb mountains, start businesses, or go out on the water after they’ve looked for quality Moomba boats for sale – it’s all about embracing adventure and that kind of risk leads to some incredible adventures.

Overcoming Challenge Builds Confidence

The best way to gain confidence isn’t by waiting for it to magically appear – it’s by facing challenges head-on and proving to yourself (and potentially others, although that shouldn’t be your main focus) that you can handle anything life throws at you. 

The fact is that every time you take a risk and push through your discomfort – because taking risks is uncomfortable – you’re building up your resilience and confidence. And the more confident you are, the less you’ll find that fear takes hold when you need to make decisions and so on. It really could be something that totally changes your life for the better.

Without Risk, There’s No Reward

Think about this: does anything really worthwhile in life come without some kind of risk attached? Not really. The best relationships start with the risk of rejection, for example, and the best career moves start with the risk of leaving your old job behind – you can see what we mean and how it applies to everything. 

Yes, playing it safe will (probably) protect you from failure, but it’s also going to mean less success, confidence, excitement, and everything else, which is why taking (calculated) risks makes so much sense.

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