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The Basic Principles of an Honorable Company

I work closely with quite a few small businesses here in Billings.  As I get more and more plugged into the business world, I notice the same thing pop up over and over.  The businesses that succeed have a strong standard of integrity.  They hold this in high regard, and won’t waiver on it (sometimes it means they lose money).  For instance, take a look at this post from Big Sky Collision Center.

During a recent quiet time, a time that I often get ideas for my posts and are usually spurred on by a single verse or two, I read 1 Corinthians 13:6-7.  For those familiar you will recognize that as the love chapter.  For those unfamiliar, it’s quoted below.  The idea, however, is that it doesn’t just apply to love; it also applies to a business that is setting itself up to succeed.

love bears all things

“it [Love] does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:6-7 ESV.

How this Relates to a Business

If you run a business, you have a certain set of principles and standards that you make sure to adhere to.  You have likely defined your mission, vision, and values, and you know where you’re going, how you’re going to get there, and what you won’t compromise on.  For the businesses that boom, there is generally an uncompromising standard of integrity.

standard of integrity; writer in BillingsDoes not Rejoice at Wrongdoing – Most people wouldn’t think about praising criminal activity.  But what about immoral activity?  Businesses that hold integrity as a standard tend to veer away from those that don’t.  They don’t praise a business that is successful when that success comes by screwing people over.

Rejoices with the Truth – Likewise, a business that flourishes is quick to lather on the praise for other businesses.  And not just those they like.  If you want to succeed, then you have to praise your competitors when they do well; they’re the reason you work hard.

Bears all Things – This isn’t to be confused with “is a pushover.”  Instead, it’s a reference to longsuffering, or forgiving.  We have all had that boss that blows up over small infractions; and hopefully we have all had that boss that is stern but forgiving.  A good business knows people aren’t perfect, and gives grace when grace is due.

Believes all Things – When you get up in the morning, do you tell yourself, “Another great day!”  Or do you tell yourself, “Great, another day.”?  One is excited and thankful for the day; the other is dreading the day.  When you believe the day will be great, then it will be great.  Just like if you believe your business will make an impact, it will.

Hopes all Things – There is a difference between hope (the noun) and hope (the verb).  When I drive home, I hope I hit all the green lights.  When I have a bad day, I have hope because tomorrow is another chance to succeed.  A good business maintains hope (n), but they don’t rely on hope (v).

Endures all Things – There are times in the life of every business owner when things are great, and when things are bad.  You’re on top of the world when it’s all clicking along.  But those slumps can be rough, and you’ll contemplate getting a second job.  When you endure, you rise out better than before.

Building a Better Business

Building a business can be tough.  It’s even harder when your priorities aren’t in order.  When you keep the focus in the right place, and you have an uncompromising standard of integrity, things will work out because you have hope.  It doesn’t matter if you’re running a preschool, or selling windows, the basic fundamentals are all going to be the same.

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