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Stay Safe When Browsing and Doing Business

Stay Safe when working online copywriter and ghostwriter Scott Sery

This is a contributed post and may contain affiliate links. The thoughts and ideas expressed may not be exactly what the ghostwriter Scott Sery believes. But he did read it, and signed off on it, so it’s at least pretty close.


If the internet is your main avenue for making money, there’s always a chance your details will be captured by unauthorized parties. The online world is notorious for being an unsafe space to be, no matter how tech savvy you are. Results could be inconvenient at best, and disastrous at worst as you stand to lose your work, your income, your identity, and access to your accounts if proper safeguards aren’t in place.

Taking online security seriously is the only way to stay safe when you’re interacting through such an insecure medium, despite how well known and reputable companies like Google, WordPress, and Facebook are.

Whether you’re a freelance writer or you have an ecommerce website, this message is one for you: make sure you know how to stay safe online.

Have Antivirus and Anti-Malware Installed

Having both of these programs installed on your computer will save you a lot of harm and headaches! You need both, as one won’t offer full protection without the other, but they’re also quite affordable programs that you can subscribe to on a yearly basis.

If you’re a Windows user, you’ll also benefit from in-built antivirus software in the form of Windows Defender, but you’ll still need that level of anti-malware protection from a third party on top.

Once you’ve got both of these programs securely onto your laptop or desktop computer, you can safely surf the web without much cause for paranoia. Programs like MalwareBytes also offer browser protection that keeps malicious advertising off of your screen as well.

Download a VPN to Stay Safe

A VPN works wonders for safer browsing. With an active VPN connection, you can hide where your IP is, meaning you can’t be tracked across websites with any accuracy. If someone wants to know what you’re up to and where your traffic is coming from, your VPN can instantly block them from finding out.

In terms of online work, a VPN is incredibly effective if you’re working from unsecured wifi. These sources include your local coffee shop or the gym you like to frequent, where everyone can log on with a few clicks and anyone with a little time and know-how can end up hacking the connection.

But with a VPN hiding your movements, any data you send across this connection will have another level of encryption on top of it. Take your remote work to the next level with the help of a VPN.

Stay Away From Email Links

Emails can be end up causing a lot of harm; even when you think you’re dealing with a legitimate email from an address you recognize. Email links can contain phishing and/or tracking, and even just clicking briefly could mean those intrusions get into your system. Don’t take any chances here; if you don’t recognize something, delete it. If you think it may have been important, call the business to verify – they can always send the email again.

If you didn’t ask for the link, don’t click on it. Doing so could cause a lot of harm to your system and any details you have saved to it. You could even accidentally download a keylogger through a spam link.

What is a keylogger? They’re one of the most insidious pieces of software a hacker can use to trap your details in their net. Keyloggers track everything you type in, including website names, account details and passwords, as well as any bank details you’re trying to share privately, which then all feed back into their system on the other end.

Verify Who You’re Dealing with

If you get an email (or a social media DM) from a client, check to see if it’s from an address or profile you’re sure about. If it’s a person or address you haven’t been contacted by before, or there are a few typos in the body that aren’t typical of the person on the other end, be suspicious.

You can then verify who you’re dealing with by asking outright, or by simply doing a bit of digging. For example, check to see if they’ve got a LinkedIn profile that matches up with the details they’ve provided you. And remember, always go with your gut – it may keep you safer in the end. Again, a quick phone call isn’t going to annoy your client; they’ll appreciate that you’re looking out.

Are you a primarily online worker? Then you need to check on your safety habits. Take care of what you do online, make sure you’re talking to the right people, and don’t let curiosity over a suspicious email get the best of you so you can stay safe.

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