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Toward the end of hunting season, I was able to get out and harvest a deer.  It was the only day I was going to get out and hunt in 2015, so I wanted to make the most of it.

In the end, I shot a nice mule deer buck.  Enough to fill the freezer for another year.  When I went to field dress it, I discovered it was 100% female, but it had grown antlers.  I called it a hermaphrodeer.  You can check out the story of how it happened over on the Billings 365 website.  Here are pictures of the deer.

First, the little video.

And then the pictures.

Hermaphrodeer 2 Hermaphrodeer

As you can see with these first two pictures, it looks like buck mule deer.


But this picture shows that there is a lack of male reproductive organs.  Unfortunately I didn’t think of it at the time, but I didn’t take a close-up picture of the actual organs.

Hermaphrodeer 4 Hermaphrodeer 5

That is my hermaphrodeer (a nice witty name that I came up with, I’m so smart).  Now if I can only find statistics on how common this actually is.

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