Prayer has Become a Lost “Art”
One of the easiest aspects of life is communicating with our Savior. As we drive we can have a conversation. While we shower, we can talk with Him. In the stillness of the morning, we are able to praise Him, offer thanksgiving for what He’s given us, and make our requests known to him.
If it’s so easy, why does it get pushed to the side so often? If all we have to do is talk with Him, not even out loud, then why is it that we go through many days with only a short “thanks for the day” in the morning, and a “sorry for not doing enough for you, help me to try harder tomorrow” at night?
Let’s make it a habit to pray; let’s do that over the next few weeks.
14 Days of Prayer
Emmanuel Baptist Church is currently doing a Prayervival focused around the National Day of Prayer. May 4th each year is a day when everyone takes time from what they’re doing, and they pray more than usual. But why just make it one day? Why only spend one of the 365 days to pray intently?
Instead of just one day, the congregation has been encouraged to pray an extra hour per day for 14 days. To make it easier, since sitting and praying for 60 minutes straight would be a bit hard, it is divided into 15 minute segments.
- Pray for 15 minutes in the morning.
- Pray for 15 minutes at noon.
- Pray for 15 minutes in the evening.
- Pray for 15 minutes before bed.
The idea is to get yourself back into the habit of conversing with your Savior.
Keep your Prayers on Track
What happens to us as humans, however, is we run out of things to say! Many of us could talk for hours and hours about our passions (hunting, fishing, rock climbing, NASCAR, Football, work, Montana, etc. etc. etc.). But when it comes to talking to what should be our entire passion, the being that has saved us and breathed new life into us, we’re at a loss for words.
While you pray, stay on track with this little acrostic:
A – Adoration: simply tell God you love Him and why He is amazing.
C – Confession: we all mess up, and we’re already forgiven. Confession helps us acknowledge our sin, and move from it.
T – Thanksgiving: we have a lot going for us. The fact that you’re reading this means you’re better off than 99% of the rest of the people on the planet. Praise our Savior for everything in your life.
S – Supplication: make your requests known to God. Ask for your desires, ask for the desires of other people, ask for Him to guide our nation.
Spend a couple of minutes on each section, and then go back through. If you feel like you’ve run out of things to ask, confess, or praise, then focus on being thankful. Thank God for the grass, the sky, the trees, and everything in your life (including the bad stuff).
Make Prayer a Habit
Prayer shouldn’t be something you casually throw out there before meals and bed. It should be a constant conversation with our Lord and Savior.
How much of your day is spent in prayer?