More Traffic More Clients Witty Content Better Results

Writer Billings, Montana

If you run a website you have likely heard that it is all about the content. You have to have content to be better ranked in Google, you have to have regularly updated content to be better ranked in Google, you need keyword optimized content to be better ranked in Google, and so on. I have known this for years, yet it was always something that I had read or heard. I had never experienced it. As I grew in my business as a writer and SEO expert in Billings, Montana, I knew I had to experience it so I could sell it. So I did a little experiment with my own website.

My Website Then

I have had my site for a little over 3 years. I built it as a portfolio site where I could show off the work that I had done in hopes of landing new clients. It helps me to look professional, shows that I am dedicated to my business enough to build a website (not just a blogger page), and it is somewhere that I can voice my opinions and share knowledge. However, I would rarely ever update the content on my “follow me” section. Instead I would go a month, two months, often three months between updates.

My Decision to Update

As I started to take on more clients, helping boost their ranks in Google, I decided I needed a first-hand experience on what I could do. So in the middle of September 2014 I started to add content to my website three times each week. I would target various keywords that talked about writing, copy writing, search engine optimization, and so on. At the end of each page of content I would add a blurb about how I am a writer in Billings, Montana.

When I first started doing this I was close to the bottom of page 5 on Google when you search for “Writer Billings, Montana.” I knew that I could move up quickly since the majority of the other results were ads for writing jobs, or something unrelated.

My Website Now

I watched my Google rank throughout the process, and I kept track as I moved up. The first two pages bumped quickly; a matter of a couple of weeks. After about 2 months I was at the bottom of page one on Google. Around the middle of December, less than 3 months from when I started adding regular content to my site, I had moved from the bottom of page 5, to the first place result on Google. Keep in mind that I never actually targeted the keywords, “Writer Billings, Montana.” I only included them in the page, and I usually only listed them once.

Future Goals

There is still a lot of work to be done. I have successfully moved up for that one keyword phrase, but I now need to keep moving up for other keyword phrases. I enjoy doing SEO work, so you might notice that I list that I’m an SEO expert in Billings, Montana. When I am satisfied with that, I will likely target other phrases like copywriter in Billings, Montana. But I want to make sure that I am providing value added content, and not just peddling my wares.


I am a writer and SEO expert in Billings, Montana. If you are struggling to get the recognition for your website that you want, let me take a look at it. I provide a free report that includes what you are doing right and what needs improvement. Email me today to learn more.

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