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Why Publish a Book - ghostwriter Scott Sery chimes in

Three Benefits of Being a Published Author

There are a lot of objections as to why people don’t publish a book.  Many of them include “I don’t have time,” or “I don’t have a good story,” or “I’m not a good writer,” or “It would take too long to recoup my investment.”  They’re all (sorta) valid, but they’re missing the point.  Instead of looking for reasons why you wouldn’t publish a book, let’s look at why you should.

The Perks of Being Published

Every published author finds motivation with one of the perks.  The best part is, though, you don’t have to pick just one.  Your motivation can start with one of these reasons but evolve as you create the book.

How to leave your legacy with the help of Ghostwriter Scott Sery

To Leave a Legacy

Statistically speaking, you’ll be forgotten two to three generations after you die.  All that knowledge you worked so hard throughout your life to accumulate – gone.  If you did quite well for yourself, you might be able to pass down wealth and leave a small impact, but eventually, your ancestors won’t know where that wealth came from.

I never met my grandpa on my dad’s side.  I don’t even know my great-grandpa’s name.  But had either of them written a book, even a simple memoir, we could keep that in the family and at least extend their memories for generations to come.

Tips to increase your online following by Scott Sery the ghostwriter

To Grow a Following

We’re in the world of building networks.  And as my friend Jason Miller with SAB likes to say, “Your network is your net worth.”  Even before the digital age, it was all about how many people knew about you, knew you, and followed you.  And as social media platforms get more and more crowded (and overrun with bots), you have to stand out from the crowd.

With a book, you can literally say, “I wrote the book on it.”  You surge to the level of trusted expert and people follow you for your brilliant insights.  Not everyone can write a book, and most who start writing never publish a book.

How to make money fast by writing a book

To Make a Buttload of Money

Every fiction writer wants to become the next JK Rowling (minus the hate-filled remarks, of course); maybe Stephen King would be a better example?  Either way, these two have achieved substantial financial success in their industry.

You probably won’t sell more than a few hundred copies of your book (if you have a sweet network, maybe as many as a couple thousand).

In reality, your book can be the catalyst to bring in financial success.  Take all that knowledge dumped into the book and turn it into an online training course.  Use that book as a promo piece for your business and land that $50,000 client.  Step up your game and land that $500,000 client.  Book a public speaking gig solely on the fact that you’re an international best-selling author – yep, there are ways to legitimately boast that claim, even if you’re still small potatoes.

When You Don't Have Time to Write the Book

Here’s where the fun parts begin.  You can write a book to leave a legacy, grow a following, and make a buttload of money.  Or make a buttload of money and leave a legacy.  Or grow a following, and that’s it. 

Choose one, choose some, choose all.

Here’s the part where I overcome your objections and give you a call to action.

“But Scott, I don’t have time to write a book!”

That’s literally why I’m here.  I save you hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours so you can be a published author.

“But Scott, I’m not a good writer!”

Again, literally why I’m here.  During interviews, I can figure out your tone and your voice; most people won’t be able to tell you didn’t type the words.

“But Scott, I don’t have a good story!”

Let’s do a 10-minute phone call and see if that’s true.  If you don’t, then take some tips from Ben Stiller’s hit 2013 movie, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and get interesting.

“But Scott, it would take too long to recoup my investment!”

It’s an investment, for sure.  But when used properly, you can recoup that investment quickly through more than just selling copies of your book.

Okay, are you thoroughly convinced that publishing a book is right for you and your business?  Fantastic!  The next step is to set up that short call so we can talk about the process and get you started on becoming an international best-selling author.  Email me, call me (just kidding, text first), or schedule on my calendar.

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