Why Your Site Needs a Blog that’s Updated
Blogging isn’t dead. In fact, it never died. It has gone through some iterations and changes, but one thing remains: content has always been, and always will be, king. Blogging, also called content marketing, is one of the best ways to get connected with your prospects, fans, visitors, clients, and people in general.
This blog is going talk about the power of the blog, why it’s important, and what happens when you actually update your blog regularly and share it with your following.
What Does Blogging do for a Business Website?
The bottom line: it brings in more leads.
When a business has a regularly updated site, people can find it via Google searches, and they ultimately convert into paying clients.
The best time to start, or restart, blogging on your site was actually a few years ago. More and more businesses are picking up on this and have poured more energy into their blogs in recent years. Data shows that a few years ago, only about half of Fortune 500 businesses had blogs on their site. That number slowly crept up, and then suddenly they all realized their folly. Currently 77% of these companies have a regularly updated blog on their site.
If the Fortune 500 are doing it, shouldn’t you be doing it as well?
Why Would a Business Need a Blog?
But then there’s the question of: why?
Why should you have a blog on your site? Why not just do some traditional advertising sending people to landing pages? The answer is that it’s all about trust. People trust the blog more than they do ads.
In fact, studies show that 70% of people prefer learning about a company via their blog rather than via advertisements.
So, if you’re looking to really connect with your readers, followers, and prospects – write about what you’re up to!
What Are Some Actual Stats?
What does a blog actually do for you? What are some reasonable expectations when you have a blog that’s regularly updated?
According to a study published on Demand Metric, business websites that have a blog, see 67% more leads compared to similar companies that don’t have blogs.
What would 67% more leads for your business mean for you?
Websites that have a regularly updated blog get noticed. And people tend to link back to those companies that are providing them with valuably information. Stats show that websites with blogs have 97% more inbound links. Why is that important?
Because Google, when looking at how they should rank your site, look at how many inbound links you have. More links (from non-spammy sources) means you’re more liked and thus should move up higher in the search engines.
You’re sitting there thinking, “Yeah, that’s great Scott, but how about some actual data? Not something you pulled off a marketing website.”
This website that you’re on right now fell off the wagon for a bit there. I didn’t post nearly enough blogs and would go several months between posts. The inbound links and the age of the site allowed it to get okay-ish traffic, but I knew it should be getting more.
The first half of 2024 I saw 6,900 users come through the digital doors.
The second half of 2024, when I started posting more often and increasing the amount of content on my site, saw 10,000 users come through the door. That’s nearly a 70% increase in traffic – and that’s without a consistent posting schedule.
Or, try this one on for size.
For several years now, I have been supplying 406 Window Company a bi-weekly blog. Every other week, I post something for them that relates to windows, doors, replacement windows, or something along those lines – something to inspire readers, inform them, or overall let the know what that company is all about. In the first year we saw a 500% increase in traffic to their site.
They don’t even promote their blogs – all of that increase in traffic is due to organic SEO.
Again, how would an increase in traffic, leads, and ideally conversions look for you? What if five times as many people were visiting your website?
How Does One Create Blogs?
Blogging, on the surface, looks pretty easy. Just hammer out a bunch of words, sprinkle in some keywords for SEO purposes, and boom you have a blog.
Not so fast, speedtyper.
To really get these things honed in, you have to know a few things on what Google wants, what the readers want, and – oh yeah – you need to take the time to get them done consistently and regularly.
- SEO best practices: do you know how to mix in the keywords, tags, meta descriptions, images, and more?
- Readability: are your blogs a big block of text that nobody even wants to get started on?
- Time: how fast can you ideate, type, edit, upload, post, and schedule?
- Promotion: where, how, and when do you promote your blog?
Add up all that time, and how many hours are you spending per blog? What’s your time worth? With your hourly rate are you bumping into the many hundreds, even thousands, of dollars per blog you write?
There’s quite a bit to it. It’s no wonder 62% of companies outsource their content marketing.
How the Writer Scott Sery Can Help Your Blog
Crunch time.
Did you read this far and think, “Hell yeah, I want 67% more leads, five times the traffic, more money more money hundred-dollar bills y’all!!”?
Likely, something along those lines.
I’ll help. You have my sword… er, pen… er, keyboard and word document. Let’s string together witty words of wisdom that inspire and wow your target market, and turn them into paying clients.
Hit me up with an email, text message, or find me on any number of social media platforms and slide into my DM’s.
As of now, I have room for 3 people who need weekly blogs… will you claim one of those spots?